
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Internet Explorer Bug

Thought I needed to post something on this as it effects probably all Windows users, especially those running XP.
 So what is all the fuss about. Well Internet Explorer or IE as it is often referred to, has a major flaw. It is possible for a hacker to take control of your computer without you knowing about it.
 This flaw as Microsoft is calling it is on all versions of IE from 6 to 11.
Microsoft has said the following statement;
"If the current user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system”
 So its quite serious. So how does an attacker exploit this flaw. Well they would need you to click on a link, either on a website or maybe in an email, which would take you to a special website site which would then allow the hacker to take over your system.
 There are a few problems here for the would be attacker as you have to actually click on the dodgy  link first.
 The flaw allows a hacker to install programs, change user rights and passwords. They could even delete files or programs.
 Microsoft as usual haven't said they would produce an immediate fix rather "may include providing a solution through our monthly security update release process, or an out-of-cycle security update, depending on customer needs". Read that as if you are willing to pay we will fix it quicker or you are going to have to wait.
Plus as of Monday 28th April 2014 UK and U.S Governments have both said you should avoid using IE, so you know the flaw is pretty bad.

What can be done

Change to an alternative web browser such as Firefox. I use Firefox, and only use IE when forced you. Many sites only work with IE becuase they think its more secure, as I have always said IE is about as secure as a chocolate teapot.
 Its much better than IE anyway.
 And this would also solve a problem for XP users who won't be getting any more security updates.
Alternatives to Firefox are Chrome, Opera, Safari and a host of others. Personally I would use either Firefox or Chrome.
If you receive any emails requesting you click on a link in the email, don't. Even if the email looks official still don't click, confirm the email is genuine first.
Apart from that you will have to wait until Microsoft releases a security fix.

Another option would be to change to Ubuntu. Then you wouldn't have this problem.

If you have any questions just ask them in the comments section.

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